
Membership to the Club is available from time to time.  Membership is initially discussed between the existing Member and a prospective Member.  Approval involving screening and accepting a new Member lies with the Club’s Board.  Memberships are open to persons aged 18 years and above who are keenly interested in visiting Thredbo and using the lodge to pursue their interests in snow sports and other mountain activities, pursuits and village festivals throughout the year. Being a member of the Club entitles you to:

  • vote at general, special and Annual General Meetings of the Club;
  • hold office and nominate other Ordinary Members for office;
  • use the premises and facilities of the Club;
  • book accommodation with the Club for himself /herself and guests;
  • pay for accommodation with the Club at Member rates.

Members pay an annual subscription (effective 1 November to 31 October), set annually by the Club’s Board.  The subscription allows members to use its pre GST full value towards their accommodation bookings throughout that year.  Once the subscription is exhausted, further accommodation bookings are on a pay as you go arrangement.  The annual subscription is non refundbale or transferrable and is only valid for the year of it’s currency.